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Danica - Reawakening the power of the feminine with homeopathy

Recorded on Friday 09 February 2024

 ***   Reawakening the power of the feminine with homeopathy  ***

with Danica Apolline-Matić 

Friday 9th February 2024 – 10am to 4.30pm on Zoom.

Handouts and a recording will be available

Early Bird Date: Sunday 28th January 2024 - £45 (£55 thereafter)

We are living in remarkable yet challenging times; we are transitioning out of a long period of patriarchal rule. Many of us have dedicated ourselves to healing personal, family & ancestral traumas. And yet, as we experience the birthing of a New Earth, as with all births, the old must come to an end. It can be a challenging process. We have been seeing some painful events unfolding, including the situation in the Middle East, yet at the same time there is also a positive shift in consciousness emerging.

There is a call for greater love, for more caring systems, and a return to feminine leadership. A move away from materialism being at the centre of our lives, with a return to the wisdom of the Ancients & First Nation peoples who place meaning & connection at the centre of life. 

We have all seen the suppression of approaches such as homeopathy and healing from within but perhaps, as the song goes, ”times, they are-a-changing”. There is a definite rising of collective healing energy which can provide healing on individual, ancestral and collective levels.

Danica’s work provides new insight on the times we are in now, exploring empowerment that goes beyond politics, gender and other classifications and how we move into a new time of being seen, heard and respected.  

The day will include the effects of German philosopher Hegel’s teachings on body/spirit/mind and soul and how he, as a peer of Dr Hahnemann influenced his work and can empower our use of homeopathy at these times.

Danica is well-known for proving ‘New Earth’ remedies including Golden Spiral, Flower of Life, Petrified Sequoia, Mastic Gum, EBV, Concrete and T-Rex. She will explain the difference made by triturating these to higher potencies before potentising from there (including up to 28c as discovered by the Canadian Naturopathic Doctor Dr Paul Theriault, and his colleague Kim Kalina) – that the vitality of these remedies then goes beyond the individual to the collective, through family systems, miasms, ancestral patterns, countries, civilisations, the planet and the Universe all the way up to the Divine!

Illustrating these, and more classical remedies, with cases, this day is sure to lift our spirits and expand our vision of our own healing power!  

You might like to take a look at:

https://www.feminineconfidence.com/ Dr Anne Whitehouse – Speaker on the Patriarchy & Healer of male/female power dynamics

https://www.drjessicataylor.com/ Dr Jessica Taylor – Researcher and author 

https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001tr3f Woman’s hour on 3/1/24 - prompted by a recent news item re assault in the Metaverse - check out the first item, particularly from 9mins 20secs

About Danica:

My name is Danica (pronounced De-nit-sa). I am a Homeopath, Family Constellations Facilitator, and Founder of Blueprint Essences. 

I am passionate about discovering new homeopathic remedies for our times, New Earth remedies, and am blessed to lead the Golden Spiral Provings Collective, testing new remedies with a remarkable collective of inspiring homeopaths from around the world, including Golden Spiral, Flower of Life, Petrified Sequoia, Mastic Gum, EBV, Concrete and T-Rex. 

I am a huge advocate of how we can reawaken our power as women using remedies, and teach women how to make their own remedies from their menses too. 


Price: £55

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